Arts, Sciences, and Engineering English
Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-165132 ENGL 277-2 Screenwriting Spring 2024 4.0 Closed
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
W 200 PM 440 PM Lechase Room 182 01/17/2024 05/11/2024
Enrollment: Enrolled     
Co-Located: ENGL 277-2 (P), FMST 260-1
Instructors: Stephen Schottenfeld
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Restrictions: Instructor permission is required for this course. Use the “Request Course Section Prerequisite Override” task found on your academics dashboard under the Planning & Registration section to request this permission.
Description: An introduction to the three-act film structure. Students will read and view numerous screenplays and films, and develop their own film treatment into a full-length script. 
Offered: Fall Spring Summer

Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-144594 ENGL 277-2 Screenwriting Spring 2023 4.0 Closed
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
W 200 PM 440 PM Lechase Room 182 01/11/2023 05/06/2023
Enrollment: Enrolled     
Co-Located: ENGL 277-2 (P), FMST 260-1
Instructors: Stephen Schottenfeld
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Restrictions: Instructor permission is required for this course. Use the “Request Course Section Prerequisite Override” task found on your academics dashboard under the Planning & Registration section to request this permission.
Description: An introduction to the three-act film structure. Students will read and view numerous screenplays and films, and develop their own film treatment into a full-length script. 
Offered: Fall Spring Summer

Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-184099 ENGL 277-1 Screenwriting Fall 2024 4.0 Open
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
MW 200 PM 315 PM Bausch & Lomb Room 270 08/26/2024 12/18/2024
Enrollment: Enrolled     
Co-Located: ENGL 277-1 (P), FMST 260-1
Instructors: Pirooz Kalayeh
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Description: An introduction and practice to writing professionally formatted scripts used in short films and webisodes. Emphasis will be placed on writing short-form scripts and how to discuss and analyze key elements of scriptwriting and visual storytelling.
Offered: Fall Spring Summer