Arts, Sciences, and Engineering History
Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-179333 HIST 122-1 Dante in Poppi 2024: Art, Language and Food Culture in the Manuscripts of the Rilliana’s Library Summer 2024 4.0 Open
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
06/16/2024 07/13/2024
Enrollment: Enrolled     
Instructors: Teresa Murano
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Description: This course aims to offer students a full immersion into the medieval history, culture, and language through an in-depth study of Tuscan food tradition. The course will consist of several academic learning and experiential workshops to complement this aim, including a study of architecture and art, history of ancient manuscripts, and earlier printed books that are preserved in the Castle of the Counts Guidi and the Rilliana collection. Formal instruction will also include seminars on the history of Tuscan cookbooks, utensils, food, and communication media.

The project is structured over four weeks. It will include general training on the main topics of the course during morning classes and both beginner and advanced Italian language classes during afternoon learning labs. The courses will also cover Medieval history, the history of manuscripts and books, as well as art history in Tuscany. Students will also get to participate in a workshop held by professional chefs where they will learn about ancient cookbooks of the Rilliana Library. During the workshop students will familiarize themselves with the Italian food terminology and cooking practices described in the ancient manuscripts.

Study and analysis of the 18th-early 19th century handwritten cookbook written by the “Tuscan Anonymous” (Ms 567) will be the core of experiential labs at the Rilliana Library. Here, students will be involved in an object-based study that includes an analysis of the Italian language, vocabulary, and materiality of the manuscript under examination. Students will also receive a historical introduction on Poppi and the artistic, cultural, and architectural features of the surrounding territory, complemented by organized visits to other locations relevant to Dante and the Counts Guidi in Casentino.

Offered: Fall Spring Summer

Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-139014 HIST 122-1 Dante Alighieri in Poppi, 1321-2021 Summer 2022 4.0 - 0.0 Closed
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
Enrollment: Enrolled     
Co-Located: ENGL 205-1, ENGL 405-1, HIST 122-1 (P), HIST 420-1, ITAL 208-2, ITAL 408-1, RELC 262-1, RELC 462-1
Instructors: Donatella Stocchi-Perucchio
Description: The program consists of several academic learning labs: a hands-on experience of the medieval works  that are preserved in the Castle of the Counts Guidi and the Rilliana collection such as military and civic architecture and original manuscripts and earlier editions of the Divine Comedy dating from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. Formal instruction in Italian medieval culture and art including history, history of art and architecture, history of the manuscript, early printed books and communication media, conservation and restoration of works on paper (manuscripts, drawings, prints, ancient books), and digital technologies for cultural heritage constitutes the specific competence segment of the program. This part also includes basic Italian language instruction and cultural excursions to Arezzo, Florence, La Verna, Stia, Porciano, and Romena. Students' individual projects finalized to an exhibit at the University of Rochester–Robbins Library—complement the program.
Offered: Fall Spring Summer