Arts, Sciences, and Engineering History
Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-182621 HIST 132-01 The Russian Empire, 1689-1917 Fall 2024 4.0 Open
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
MW 325 PM 440 PM Meliora Room 205 08/26/2024 12/18/2024
Enrollment: Enrolled     
Co-Located: HIST 132-01 (P), RSST 171-01
Instructors: Matthew Lenoe
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Description: This course examines the history of the Russian Empire from the reign of Peter the Great (1692-1725) to the revolutions of 1917. Students will read primary sources in translation, academic articles, and a survey text. About one-half of class time will be devoted to discussion of the readings. Topics will include Peter's westernization of Russian elites and the costs thereof, the Pugachev rebellion of 1773-1775, the spread of Enlightenment ideals to Russia during the Napoleonic Wars, the abolition of serfdom, Sergei Wittes industrialization drive, socialist movements in Russia, World War I, and the causes of the revolutions of 1917.
Offered: Fall Spring