Arts, Sciences, and Engineering History
Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-193975 HIST 383W-01 Disease and Society from Antiquity to the Present Spring 2025 4.0 Open
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
MW 325 PM 440 PM Rush Rhees Library Room 305 01/21/2025 05/11/2025
Enrollment: Enrolled     
Co-Located: HIST 383W-01 (P), HIST 483-01
Instructors: Laura Smoller
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Description: What is the relationship between disease and the society in which it strikes? How do societies define disease, and how does culture affect the treatment of the sick? How have scholars written the history of disease? In this research seminar, students will explore such questions by examining interactions between disease and society in western cultures from antiquity through the present, at the same time pondering what this insight can tell us as we face the frightening prospect of new killers like Ebola and resistant strains of old diseases like tuberculosis. Throughout, the course will insist that the experience of disease is not simply a biological fact, but is conditioned by the culture in which we live.
Offered: Summer