Arts, Sciences, and Engineering Music
Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-184103 MUSC 135-1 The Blues Fall 2024 4.0 Open
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
TR 1230 PM 145 PM Rush Rhees Library Room 442 08/26/2024 12/18/2024
Enrollment: Enrolled     
Co-Located: BLST 151-1 (P), MUSC 135-1, RELC 151-1
Instructors: Daniel Beaumont
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Description: The origins of the Blues in the context of African-American culture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it's rapid rise to becoming the dominant popular music in the African- American community, and the discovery of blues by white audiences.
Offered: Fall Spring Summer