Arts, Sciences, and Engineering Psychology
Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-144487 PSYC 210-1 Social Cognition Spring 2023 4.0 Open
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
MW 900 AM 1015 AM Dewey Room 2110D
Enrollment: Enrolled     
Co-Located: BCSC 185-2, PSYC 210-1 (P)
Instructors: Jeremy Jamieson
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Description: Social cognition combines classic social psychology with methods and theories from cognitive psychology and neuroscience to study how people make sense of each other and the social world. We will examine how the social environment influences cognitive processes such as attention, heuristics, and appraisals, and how these processes in turn affect decisions, behaviors, and health. We will critically evaluate research on a variety of topics, such as emotion regulation, stereotyping and prejudice, and stress and decision making.

This is a social science course.

Prerequisite: PSYC 101 recommended

Offered: Fall Spring Summer

Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-144477 PSYC 210W-1 Social Cognition Spring 2023 0.5 Open
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
Enrollment: Enrolled     
No Cap
Instructors: Jeremy Jamieson
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Restrictions: Instructor permission is required for this course. Use the “Request Course Section Prerequisite Override” task found on your academics dashboard under the Planning & Registration section to request this permission.
Description: Fulfills upper-level writing requirement.
Offered: Fall Spring Summer

Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-124057 PSYC 210-1 Social Cognition Spring 2022 4.0 - 0.0 Open
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
MW 900 AM 1015 AM Dewey Room 2110D
Enrollment: Enrolled     
Instructors: Jeremy Jamieson
Description: Social cognition combines classic social psychology with methods and theories from cognitive psychology and neuroscience to study how people make sense of each other and the social world. We will examine how the social environment influences cognitive processes such as attention, heuristics, and appraisals, and how these processes in turn affect decisions, behaviors, and health. We will critically evaluate research on a variety of topics, such as emotion regulation, stereotyping and prejudice, and stress and decision making.

Prerequisite: PSYC 101 recommended

Offered: Fall Spring Summer

Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-124070 PSYC 210W-1 Social Cognition Spring 2022 0.5 - 0.0 Open
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
Enrollment: Enrolled     
No Cap
Co-Located: BCSC 185W-1, PSYC 210W-1 (P)
Instructors: Jeremy Jamieson
Restrictions: Instructor permission is required for this course. Use the “Request Course Section Prerequisite Override” task found on your academics dashboard under the Planning & Registration section to request this permission.
Description: Fulfills upper-level writing requirement.
Offered: Fall Spring Summer

Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-108649 PSYC 210-1 Social Cognition Spring 2021 4.0 - 0.0 Closed
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
MW 200 PM 315 PM Hutchison Hall Room 140
Enrollment: Enrolled     
Instructors: Jeremy Jamieson
Description: Social cognition combines classic social psychology with methods and theories from cognitive psychology and neuroscience to study how people make sense of each other and the social world. We will examine how the social environment influences cognitive processes such as attention, heuristics, and appraisals, and how these processes in turn affect decisions, behaviors, and health. We will critically evaluate research on a variety of topics, such as emotion regulation, stereotyping and prejudice, and stress and decision making.

Prerequisite: PSYC 101 recommended

Offered: Fall Spring Summer

Course Section Listing Course Course Title Term Credits Status
COURSE_SECTION-3-108633 PSYC 210W-1 Social Cognition Spring 2021 0.5 - 0.0 Open
Day Begin End Location Start Date End Date
Enrollment: Enrolled     
No Cap
Instructors: Jeremy Jamieson
Restrictions: Instructor permission is required for this course. Use the “Request Course Section Prerequisite Override” task found on your academics dashboard under the Planning & Registration section to request this permission.
Description: Fulfills upper-level writing requirement.
Offered: Fall Spring Summer